(ISTEC 2025)

Integrating Knowledge for a Brighter Future

3- 4 September 2025 | UiTM Perlis, Malaysia

Hybrid Conference (Virtual & Physical)


We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming 6th Edition of International Sciences, Technology, and Engineering Conference 2025 (6TH ISTEC 2025). 

Following the success of the previous 5TH ISTEC-GAMS 2023 of i-IDeA™ 2023, Universiti Teknologi MARA UiTM Perlis, Malaysia is proud to extend our promotion of conference for this upcoming i-IDeA™ 2025 for the advancement of science, technology and engineering studies. 

This conference is a two-day international event scheduled between 3-4 September, 2025, in Universiti Teknologi MARA in Perlis, Malaysia. The conference will be conducted in a hybrid format which comprises both in-person and virtual presentations. You are welcome to present and participate in the most convenient format. 

The theme of the conference is Integrating Knowledge for a Brighter Future which will be covering a wide extent to serve the speakers to showcase their highly insightful research work and knowledge from various fields of Material Science & Physics, Chemistry, Life Science & Environment, Polymer, and Engineering to the audience and participants. Original research papers are invited from all academia and researchers from industries in the fields of science, technology and engineering.

The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.