Conference Info
Authors should submit full papers written in English language and MS word in accordance with the template provided by organizer. The papers will not be proofread or revised by the organizer. The recommendation for publication of the full paper is subject to peer reviewed.
Once received the recommendation from the organizer, author may decide to submit the peer-reviewed full paper to any journal listed below.
Authors are responsible both for the scientific content and grammar correction suggested by the reviewer or editor of a journal. All submissions to the journal system must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. The submission of the peer-reviewed full papers to interested/recommended journals will be managed by authors through the journal system. The acceptance of the manuscript are subjected to rigorous review and the editor's decision
Submission are done using Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit (Microsoft CMT) and all authors are required to be registered with the system.
Participants with an accepted abstract for conference presentation are invited to submit full paper. The publication was subjected to the sufficient number of papers received. The acceptance of publication will be subjected to rigorous review and the editor's decision.
Abstract Template
Download abstract template here
Extended Abstract Template
Download the extended abstract template here
Full Paper Template
Download general full paper template HERE